Dbz gay porn comics

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He didn’t even look at the results, just clicked the first one. Steeling himself, Goten quickly typed “male porn” into the search engine and slammed the enter button before he could change his mind. Gohan was out of the question, too his brother would probably be all clinical and formal about it, which would probably be even more embarrassing. His mother would either murder him or take his laptop away (and he wasn’t sure which was worse), and his dad would…well, he’d be clueless. He was 21, so sue him, he could do what he wanted.īut it wasn’t like he could just ask someone what “guy porn” was.

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He’d heard someone talking about it at the gym and he got curious.

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Of all the things he could be looking up, he had to be looking up that. The search bar’s cursor blinked at him almost mockingly. Goten drummed his fingers on the desk and stared blankly at his laptop screen.

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